Oh my, 14th August is a wonderful day!
Afternoon, at 1pm
(suppose to be watch earlier but my poor friends all got tired after Thursday class and they woke up late) =3= LOL
Me & my fren all went to watch "UP" at Suntec,Singapore.
That's a Awesome movie,Seriously!!
I guess can say is the 2nd successful movie after "Wall.e" as my personal view.
'Russell' the kid, is such a non-stop talking boy.
Haha~~~ Mr.Fitch was so annoyed by him~~~ that part was so...... cool~!!
'Kevin',the bird also a funny creature. haha~~ She like to follow what people does.
The Whole movie is fill with full of touching, adorable,funny,laugh and more~~~
MAn~~~Pixar is so powerful
I'm so wish to achieve my animation skill to that level!!
Well, I wont say i cant~~
bcos I still have few year of study to master and level up my skill~~
I will Gambateh to master my skill in order to become a great animator and bring my joy to everyone!! \(^.^)/